Homeopathy Frequently asked questions
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which works on the principle that like cures like. It uses carefully selected remedies to stimulate the body’s own natural healing. It recognises that ill health is the body’s response to mental, emotional or physical upset, and seeks to treat the underlying cause of any imbalance by considering the whole person rather than just the symptoms of the illness.
Establishing good health involves treating the whole person. When you see me as a homeopath, I will take time to listen to how you feel physically and emotionally, prescribing homeopathic remedies which most closely match your individual symptom picture.
Establishing good health involves treating the whole person. When you see me as a homeopath, I will take time to listen to how you feel physically and emotionally, prescribing homeopathic remedies which most closely match your individual symptom picture.
Why choose homeopathy?
• Individualised treatment plans – treatment specific to you
• Works with your body’s own natural healing mechanism
• Effective for physical, mental and emotional problems
• Safe, gentle and non-toxic – suitable even for pregnant and sensitive patients
• Non-addictive and no unwanted side effects
• Sustainable – not derived from synthetic chemicals or petrochemicals
• Works with your body’s own natural healing mechanism
• Effective for physical, mental and emotional problems
• Safe, gentle and non-toxic – suitable even for pregnant and sensitive patients
• Non-addictive and no unwanted side effects
• Sustainable – not derived from synthetic chemicals or petrochemicals
How does Homeopathy Work?
The basic principles of homeopathy can be traced back to Hippocrates in ancient Greece over 2,500 years ago. Homeopathy as it is practiced today was developed 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a doctor who devised the scientific and philosophical foundations of this gentler way of healing and developed homeopathy as a comprehensive system of medicine.
You may have heard homeopathy described as the principle of ‘like cures like’.
Take for example a case of insomnia. Conventional medicine or drug therapy uses the way of opposites by prescribing a drug to bring on artificial sleep. This often involves the use of large or regular doses of drugs which can sometimes cause side effects or addiction.
Homeopathy has the central philosophy that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. So, in the example of insomnia, by giving the patient a specially prepared minute dose of a substance, such as coffee, they will be able to sleep naturally.
You may have heard homeopathy described as the principle of ‘like cures like’.
Take for example a case of insomnia. Conventional medicine or drug therapy uses the way of opposites by prescribing a drug to bring on artificial sleep. This often involves the use of large or regular doses of drugs which can sometimes cause side effects or addiction.
Homeopathy has the central philosophy that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person. So, in the example of insomnia, by giving the patient a specially prepared minute dose of a substance, such as coffee, they will be able to sleep naturally.
What conditions can it help with?
Homeopathy treats the whole person; physically, mentally and emotionally. Many millions of people worldwide use this fantastic holistic form of healing, indeed in many places in the world it is the only form of treatment.
Many people have also found homeopathy has helped them when they simply ‘don’t feel well’ and there is no specific diagnosis for their complaint. Because homeopathy treats you as an individual rather than a disease label, it works with your unique sensations and characteristics to bring relief.
Many people have also found homeopathy has helped them when they simply ‘don’t feel well’ and there is no specific diagnosis for their complaint. Because homeopathy treats you as an individual rather than a disease label, it works with your unique sensations and characteristics to bring relief.
How Do You Make The Remedies?
Homeopathic remedies come in easy-to-take tablet or liquid form, and are drawn from the plant, mineral and animal worlds.
Are Homeopathic Remedies Safe?
Homeopathic remedies are potentised – made from highly dilute forms of naturally occurring substances – which makes them very gentle. They work at the same energetic level as your body’s own natural healing mechanism, gently boosting your own natural energy. This means that they are very safe, even for pregnant or sensitive patients. There is no danger of addiction, toxicity or side effects.
How many sessions will I have to come for?
These take place at 4-6 week intervals. The frequency is not fixed and will depend on your response to remedies. They last from 30-45mins and give me an opportunity to gain more information, assess your response to the homeopathic remedies and re-prescribe if necessary. This may be a repeat of the same homeopathic remedy, a different homeopathic remedy or no prescription if you are continuing to improve. The number of appointments needed depends on several factors e.g.
1) Length of time you have suffered with the condition
2) Your general level of health
3) The progress you are making.
Long-term ailments can take several months to improve significantly; short term ailments may need only 1-2 follow up appointments. You will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate your progress at the end of each appointment.
1) Length of time you have suffered with the condition
2) Your general level of health
3) The progress you are making.
Long-term ailments can take several months to improve significantly; short term ailments may need only 1-2 follow up appointments. You will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate your progress at the end of each appointment.
What will happen during the consultation?
The Initial consultation, which lasts 60-90mins, is a crucial process and helps to determine your course of remedies i.e. which homeopathic medicines will support you most effectively. It is extremely helpful if you can give me as much information as possible about yourself, your symptoms and your medical history. Family medical history is also very useful if this is available to share with me e.g. conditions that run in the family.
As a result, I will ask a wide range of questions about your symptoms and how you experience them. In addition, I will also need to know about your general health, your particular likes and dislikes, your general personality, and how you react to different environments.
Case analysis is the process of using the information that you have shared with me together with my knowledge and experience of Homeopathy to decide on a course of remedies that will best suited to you. This may be carried out during the consultation but is occasionally after you have left and can take several hours. I endeavour to have a prescription of homeopathic medicine dispensed to you as soon as possible, depending on the urgency and complexity of the problem. More complex and long-term ailments may take a few days longer.
As a result, I will ask a wide range of questions about your symptoms and how you experience them. In addition, I will also need to know about your general health, your particular likes and dislikes, your general personality, and how you react to different environments.
Case analysis is the process of using the information that you have shared with me together with my knowledge and experience of Homeopathy to decide on a course of remedies that will best suited to you. This may be carried out during the consultation but is occasionally after you have left and can take several hours. I endeavour to have a prescription of homeopathic medicine dispensed to you as soon as possible, depending on the urgency and complexity of the problem. More complex and long-term ailments may take a few days longer.
How do I take and store my remedies?
Homeopathic medicines are very robust but in order that they work most effectively I suggest the following methods of storage and administration.
• Store away from microwaves, mobile phones and electrical equipment including wired alarm clocks.
• Store in a cool dark place away from strong smells
• Homeopathic medicines are very safe even in large quantities but like all medicines need to be stored out of the reach of children.
• Homeopathic medicines may come in liquid form or as tablets (pillules). Avoid handling the pillules; use a spoon or the cap from the bottle.
• Place the pillule or liquid under the tongue. Allow a pillule to dissolve. Leave a gap of 15-20mins either side of taking the homeopathic medicine free from food, drink, cigarettes and toothpaste.
• Discard any spoiled pillules.
• The number of times you take the homeopathic medicine will be written down for you.
There are often times when you will only be given between 1-3 pillules to take. Homeopathic remedies continue to act over time and are best prescribed in small amounts in order to be effective in helping your body to heal itself. This is very different from orthodox medicine when repetition of a medicine is more usual.
• Store away from microwaves, mobile phones and electrical equipment including wired alarm clocks.
• Store in a cool dark place away from strong smells
• Homeopathic medicines are very safe even in large quantities but like all medicines need to be stored out of the reach of children.
• Homeopathic medicines may come in liquid form or as tablets (pillules). Avoid handling the pillules; use a spoon or the cap from the bottle.
• Place the pillule or liquid under the tongue. Allow a pillule to dissolve. Leave a gap of 15-20mins either side of taking the homeopathic medicine free from food, drink, cigarettes and toothpaste.
• Discard any spoiled pillules.
• The number of times you take the homeopathic medicine will be written down for you.
There are often times when you will only be given between 1-3 pillules to take. Homeopathic remedies continue to act over time and are best prescribed in small amounts in order to be effective in helping your body to heal itself. This is very different from orthodox medicine when repetition of a medicine is more usual.
What will happen once treatment starts?
You should start to feel an increased sense of wellbeing quite soon after commencing homeopathic treatment. If you have had your symptoms for a long time, it can take longer to see an improvement, but you will usually still experience a sense of feeling better in yourself before you begin to see more physical changes. It can often be helpful to keep a note of any changes that occur, and to report them at your next appointment.
It is sometimes possible to experience an intensification of symptoms, usually in the early stages of treatment. If this or anything else different from ‘normal’ occurs, such a response should only last for a short time and is usually followed by a marked improvement. These symptoms will pass, and must not be treated, as they are an important part of the healing process.
It is sometimes possible to experience an intensification of symptoms, usually in the early stages of treatment. If this or anything else different from ‘normal’ occurs, such a response should only last for a short time and is usually followed by a marked improvement. These symptoms will pass, and must not be treated, as they are an important part of the healing process.
Is it a problem that I am already taking conventional medicines from my GP?
Homeopathy is quite safe to use alongside your existing medication and will not interfere with it in any way.
Please let me know about any medicine or supplement that has been prescribed for you by your doctor or that you take regularly.
If you are receiving ongoing treatment from your GP, it is important that you maintain your relationship with them. They will be able to arrange any tests you may need, and if you are working to reduce the levels of drugs that you take, they will need to monitor your progress and adjust your dosage as appropriate.
Please let me know about any medicine or supplement that has been prescribed for you by your doctor or that you take regularly.
If you are receiving ongoing treatment from your GP, it is important that you maintain your relationship with them. They will be able to arrange any tests you may need, and if you are working to reduce the levels of drugs that you take, they will need to monitor your progress and adjust your dosage as appropriate.